
Tag Archives: Business

Post # 1oo.

Its been a great journey so far, special in many ways and I hope to share many more of them with you as days come by. Cheers !


The Secret Handshake is an online resource for student designers and young creatives (18 -25) looking for insider insight, honest answers and solid solutions to help you go pro.

Here is some good advice from their lovely site (and there is plenty more from where this came from) :

“Everyone is somewhat of an everythingist these days with their range of skills. Which is great. But when you are just breaking into the agency career world, try to highlight one strong skill/focus to get in the door, establish credibility once in, then start showing off your other skill-sets.” – Shaz Sedigh-Zadeh

“A resume isn’t a collection of accomplishments, but more a showcase for the person you hand it to that shows how you fit into their work culture. No resume acts the same from job to job, so consider it a living document.” – Dylan Lathrop

“Don’t wait for job postings to appear. Identify people you admire and studios you’re dying to work for and ask for an informational interview. Then bring your portfolio and a lot of good questions.” Stephanie Landes Burris

“If you want to be the designer that stands out of the rest, do something more than just designing. Make an interesting project like for charity, start an agency, hold an exhibition, start a design festival or build a site like Behance. Become interesting.” – Jennifer Cirpici

“Don’t overwhelm the interviewer with too much work. If you’re good, it’ll be evident in ten to fifteen pieces.” – Gail Anderson


“If you want a group that builds a lot of things and is very creative, you don’t give them more gadgets or give them more tools, you give them less time” says Ben Chestnut. You don’t need to have a grand office or a lot of whiteboards to get creative ideas out, just be focused , have some constraints and the right kind of attitude. I couldn’t agree more.

3dailpoetry-Ingrid Hulskamp4dailpoetry-Ingrid Hulskamp8dailpoetry-Ingrid Hulskamp9dailpoetry-Ingrid Hulskamp17dailpoetry-Ingrid Hulskamp

27-year-old Dutch designer Ingrid Hulskamp describes herself as a ‘design poet’. “My aim is to enchant people with the use of poetic, playful and sophisticated design.” She developed this series of “contemplative toys for adults”, reminding us of the candid fun we had as children, totally caught up in the moment. Watch the video to get a better picture.

Daily Poetry: Toys for contemplation from Ingrid Hulskamp on Vimeo.


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MT is a Japanese based masking tape manufacturer, known for their bright and cheerful tapes which are not only strong but can also come off easily without leaving a trace. The best bit about this tape is it’s functionality – you can write on it, use it as stationary or create patterns from it depending on what you want to express.

When MT asked designer Koji Iyama to design patterns and packaging for the tape, Iyama came up with the idea of holding an exhibition to showcase the different possibilities of the tape to it’s customers. I think it’s pretty cool that he went about wrapping a train, car, bicycle, walls, tables and what not! with this lovely patterned masking tape.

“Leadership is about making people feel safe. When someone feels heard, they feel safe.”

Simon O Sinek

“Magic is easy if you put your heart into it.”

– Michael Jackson